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the colours in your head


Stalking stalking never balking

I just went through all of my ex's friends on thefacebook to see if I could see the girl he is now dating. I know her name is Sarah (what a boring name! honestly!) but the only Sarah I can find in there is in a relationship with someone else. Unless it's like me and Cal's "marriage". I'm very happy for him that he's in a relationship, don't get me wrong, and I hope to God he manages to make it work without emotionally damaging the girl, as he did to myself and the previous one. I just want to know if it's the cute little girl with whom we had the REALLY awkward three-way-run-in on the street (i ran into him, then he ran into her. I didn't get introduced. He is just plain rude, but... yeah.)

In other news, my cubiclemates are having a FASCINATING conversation on ways to stop your baby from throwing up. Shoot me.