The Magic of Numbers!
Q: Given that 2 is a generator in arithmetic modulo 53, how many square roots does it have?
A: None! Generators have no square roots!
If this is the kind of stuff there's going to be on my math exam tomorrow morning, then I'm royally screwed. Formulas, I can remember. Exciting little tidbits like generators not having square roots-- no chance in hell. This class is called The Magic of Numbers. It was supposed to be easy. It's final exam time, and I haven't really seen the easy yet at any point this term. Ach.
And yes, before you mathematically inclined people mock me-- I never CLAIMED to be any use in any sort mathematical arena. There's honestly no arena in which I plan to need to have any contact with numbers in the future. Budgeting? I'll hire an accountant. Who'll pay for that? My future rich husband, who will be taking care of all those icky number things all on his lonesome. With the help of underlings, of course.
I'm a big fan of underlings. If only I could find some for myself.
Good luck on the exam. I have always had a tenuious relationship with mathamatics. We try our beest to stay out of each others way.
And kudos to the enjoyment of the Gogol Borello, I didn't know anyone else who really knew who they were. If you are still in teh greater Boston Area, you should check out Soltero (a local band). They sound nothing like Gogol but the guy who started it is sorta a pal of mine.
I can go on, writing a long comment about nothing at all, just to help you procrastinate, but I think, for the first time ever, I've run out of things to say.
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